Thursday, 5 October 2017

my driveway

Almost at the half-way point. This is the last of my acrylic paintings in this style where I have captured the textures, colours and open spaces of my rural existence. In took a photo on my phone of the lovely trees silhouetted against the sky one afternoon as I drove off the main road and a painting was born.

Fivebough Canal, Leeton.

Friday, 9 June 2017

tie dye samples

my fun loving students did these textile samples using Rit dye RED, and Procion dyes in Turquoise, dark blue and yellow.

beginning to refine the painted image

making progress.... this is the bogged down point....must refine the underpainting now

fresh canvas

I couldn't wait to work this canvas inspired by the perspective of the image of a road through regional new South Wales.