Friday, 28 June 2013

troublesome 'c - words'....

Contemplating some of my pet hates today......and selecting the ones that are what I call troublesome 'c words'.....................there are some that I chew over at times of repose.........
Conceptual art.....I am not anti contraire...I am an artist but please, please spare the ego-driven, self-promoting Crap of some artists who have no talent and are merely flopping out some unresolved toddler tantrum in ugly forms that waste paint, glass, stone, fabric, digital imagery, food, foam, plastic, paper and our time and we try to determine their point....etc....etc... interesting word for ethnic Cleansing or Corruption....think about how things may have panned out globally had people merely visited and communicated foreign countries without stealing and murdering.....
Commando boots....girls, girls....please.....
Crows feet....earned or not, what a Complete Catastrophy they have invoked around my eyes!
Cruelty.....I have had enough of the human condition here.....
Controversial media coverage......just give us the damn facts, you guys and leave the debates to the well-prepared debaters...
Can't....sorry, I such word....'s to rid my floors of the fluff, dust, grit, grime and dirt....
Which ones now, of these seemingly innocuous words beginning with the sunny letter 'c' are the Critical issues??